Our Mission

is to introduce students to the many fields computer science

has to offer and help develop their skills to the next level.

A man with a with glasses sitting on an office chair and typing on a laptop

About Us

Alhambra CS Club is Alhambra Senior High’s largest club in count, and thanks to our members, the most funded one as well. Founded in 2017, the CS Club seeks to accomplish what the computer science program at Alhambra cannot: to provide students continuing education outside the classroom, access to other CS-related programs, as well as to connect them with professionals in the STEM industry, all without paying a single dime. We created an environment with no barrier to learning, and one where people pursuing their passions can thrive.

These programs would not be made possible without our sponsors and club donations. We'd appreciate your help in supporting the student community; all donations are tax-deductible.


Why join?

Alhambra CS provides a multitude of benefits to any member that joins. From learning basic cybersecurity skills to creating connections with experts and developers of the technology industry. One could explore the craftsmanship that comes with building a robot, or attempt to understand the enigmatic code that comes along. In cybersecurity, there are a variety of challenges that come with protecting your privacy online; through our program, you can develop those skills. All of our workshops develop your skills in the tech world and build relationships with people that will last a lifetime to come. Skills are what you need to survive, and we can provide them.

"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways."
- Robert Greene

Our Programs

5 Kids standing next to a brick wall

Assemble a team of 6 and learn how to defend yourself against the malicious hackers on the internet.

A classroom tinkering with robotics

Build and program a robot to participate in the FIRST Robotics competition.

A room of girls smiling
Women In STEM

Want to break the status quo & earn perks in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math?


Still at MJHS? Let's talk.

Just because you're in middle school doesn't mean it's too early to start. We have many programs open to middle schoolers with no knowledge,
from getting into the high school club early through cybersecurity to kickstarting your own club back at the junior high.
In fact, those with prior experience in a field can land internship opportunities early. However, one thing's for sure:
we know the jump between schools may seem intimidating at first, and we're here to help you adjust to student life at Alhambra.

Find out more about our middle school outreach programs soon.

Our Backers